Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gaddafi Ukrainian nurse is pregnant and wants to return to Libya


Kiev - The Ukrainian Galina Kolotnitska, staff nurse Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi, is pregnant, but want to return to Libya as soon as possible, reported the Ukrainian newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda v Ukraine." The newspaper quotes a war correspondent Vladislav Voloshin, who later returned from Libya last February to Ukraine in the same plane as Galina Kolotnitska. "Yes, indeed she is expecting her second baby," Voloshin said. He added that "Galina looking at the possibility of returning to Libya as soon as possible." According to him, the reasons are economic: "Ukraine has a salary of 800 hryvnias ($ 100) and earned $ 3,500 in Libya," he said. The newspaper was able to communicate by telephone with Kolotnitska, but she refused to talk. "I will not talk to journalists," he said. Kolotnitska, 38, was described in U.S. diplomatic cable leaked in December by the WikiLeaks site as a people close to Gadhafi. Apparently, according to WikiLeaks, the Libyan leader never traveled abroad without the company of which he was described as "voluptuous blonde" nurse Ukrainian dictator inseparable. Speaking in the Ukrainian newspaper "Sevodnia" (Today), Galina's mother urged the press to stop tarnishing the good name of her daughter emotional bond with Gaddafi, which the nurse has always denied. People who also accompanied him on his flight back to Ukraine, told the Ukrainian press Kolotnitska Gaddafi defended the scheme and was convinced that the Libyan dictator eventually crush the rebellion.

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