Russia - The 150th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom in Russia went unnoticed, while the reform of Alexander II was an event that shook the foundation of the Russian statehood. However, this "missed anniversary" gives a reason to talk about the fact that in modern Russia, especially in the North Caucasus, there are still relapses not even of serfdom, but basic forms of modern slavery. For a long time Chechnya has retained the infamous glory of the slave enclave, with its "zindan" and "Prisoners of the Caucasus." But it turns out the use of slave labor is practiced widely in many North Caucasian republics. Four citizens have addressed the Interior Department on Novolak region of Dagestan with a statement that Mohammed Haydakov, a resident of the village Chapaevo of Novolak district born in 1956, fraudulently brought them from Moscow to Dagestan and forcibly kept at a brick factory located in the village of Novolak. Three claimants are the citizens of the Russian Federation: Kaluga resident Sergei Ivanov, born in 1979, a resident of the city of Mikhailov of Ryazan region Mikhail Isayev born in 1977, and a resident of the city of Dzerzhinsk in Nizhny Novgorod region Alexei Salyutin, 1975. The fourth claimant is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, a resident of Brest Andrew Pura, born in 1976. According to the victims, they there looking for work in Moscow when they were introduced to Haydakov, who offered them jobs, promising a stable income. On March 30, 2010, he brought them to the village of Novolak, took their passports and forced to work at a brick factory. Stable income, obviously, was out of the question. The modern slave owner threatened them with physical violence for the slightest insubordination. Full Story>>
Problem of slavery by Muslims still known in Russia well
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