Saturday, May 21, 2011

May 21st. doomsday??? Not in Europe

Few hours ago ( not to say few days ago here in Europe), May 21, 2011, the predicted time for Doomsday, passed away, no metter time zone you are in, thereby proving that the prediction made by Harold Camping is false. No wonder Camping has gone into hiding and it is improbable that he will be showing himself to the public anytime soon without a good excuse. I want bother you too much, I just wanna say that, now is 2 am in CET ( Central Europian Time) and it's May 23 alredy and we are all exellent here. My personal and profesional opinion as a doctor is that the  superstition is something that can cause very big problems in society and as you see, all newspapers and sites were overcharged with images of apocalypse ( as you can se something totally nonsense of images) even National Geographig was scepcital about thatas you can see here:

May 21 doomsday picture: comet Hale-Bopp, an end-of-the-world omen?
 I have to admit that many things really indicate to doomsday  like earthquack in Japan, Tcunami and many more things but all of that is just part of  "Mother Nature" and we can't do anything about it. Even that is much natural than any war and any human interface beatwean people. I honestly think that Europe and ( first of all) America, has much more influence than anything else on the planet and if something go wrong that will be war which will indicate some of very powerful forces of mankind. Last thig we should afraid is that "famous Doomsday" and if it comes, well...we will know in our next life that we wern't guilty. 

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