Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mister Brazil 2011 contestant - Mister Islands Delta Jacuí 2011 - Gustavo Martin Schmitt

Mister Islands Delta Jacuí 2011

Gustavo Martin Schmitt, model and university student of 24 years, will represent the islands of the Delta Jacuí (RS) in Mister Brazil 2011.

Natural Paved, land of the current Mister Brazil, Jonas Sulzbach, Gustavo is studying law at the University Center Univates. He speaks English fluently.

The Delta is a joint hydrographic Jacuí of several islands that are formed from the confluence of the rivers Gravesend, Bell, Fell and Jacuí. They are the waters that pass through the Delta Jacuí forming Guaíba Lake, whose waters flow to the Laguna dos Patos, and sequence, to the Atlantic Ocean. The vast majority of these islands is located in Porto Alegre, capital of Rio Grande do Sul

Gustavo compete for the title of Mister Brazil 2011, May 7, at the Hotel do Frade, Angra dos Reis.

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