Friday, March 25, 2011

Natalie Portman “Black Swan” stand-in still up in arms

Natalie Portman’s dance double for Darren Aronofsky’s “Black Swan” has dropped a bombshell regarding her contributions to the Oscar-winning actresses performance.
Sarah Lane, the American Ballet Theater dancer who filled in as Portman’s dance double for an undisclosed amount of screen time, now claims that Fox Searchlight, the studio behind the hit drama, told her to “stop speaking publicly about her work in the movie so that Portman could take the credit for the amazing dance moves herself,” US Magazine reports.
“They were trying to create this facade that she had become a ballerina in a year-and-a-half,” Lane commented to Dance Magazine in December. “So I knew they didn’t want to publicize anything about me.”
That’s not to say Portman didn’t put herself through the wringer for Aronofsky. But could Lane’s claims of studio silencing be true? Or is this a too-late case of sour grapes?
In Portman’s corner is her fiancée and “Black Swan” choreographer, who argues that Lane “just did the footwork and the fouettes and one diagonal in the studio,” in an interview with the L.A. Times.
“Honestly, 85 percent of that movie is Natalie,” he said.
Judge for yourself when “Black Swan” arrives on DVD on Tuesday, March 29.

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