Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Reader's Digest - June/2011 (Australia) PDF [EZINE] FS FSV

 Reader's Digest - June/2011 (Australia)
English | PDF | 168 pages | 31.3 Mb
Reader's Digest Australia is the number one selling consumer magazine with a circulation of over 10 million copies in the United States alone, according to the Audit Bureau of Circulation. This monthly magazine is of general-interest, touching on topics including health, politics, entertainment, art, and current events. Reader's Digest Australia is a feel-good publication that offers its dedicated readers inspiring human-interest stories and articles that embrace the humor in everyday life.With the richness and diversity within the pages of Reader's Digest, it is no wonder that this is America's most widely read magazine. Discover all the joy, laughter and richness of life on every page of Reader's Digest. You'll stay on top of current events; gain new perspectives on politicians, entertainers, writers, and artists; find inspiration from extraordinary human-interest stories; learn the latest health news to keep your family safe; and embrace the humor of day-to-day life. And of course, you'll enjoy legendary regular features like "Word Power" and "Laughter, the Best Medicine." See how rich your life can be with Reader's Digest, the most widely read monthly magazine.



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